Our film opening will show a teenage girl (Character A) awakening mysteriously in a house. As she progresses through the house, jump cuts will show that someone (Character B) is following her and approaching the home she's in; the audience don't know who this person is. A radio report reveals that people have been discovering demonic twin versions of themselves walking around; it's unknown where they came from or why they're here - but already there has been riots, death and destruction caused. As the girl sits in her room, she hears something, turns around and realises that it's herself staring back at her.
The props we have devised are:
- Contact lenses
We need contact lenses because one of the main thriller devices of our thriller opening is the red eyes, signifiying the danger and impact of the alien situation that has occurred. Character A is incredibly confused over how she has awoken in her home without any prior knowledge, she hears frightening news but decides to ignore it and tries to relax. She hears something and turns around to discover herself with red eyes, which impacts her psychologically, this is always a good plot device: a protagonist losing their sanity.