We kept our storyboard quite simple, because we felt doing it this way meant that we had more chance to change our minds about certain frames, camera angles and shots.
We felt that we worked best an almost blank canvas and then we could develop the ideas as we went on both when planning and when we eventually begin to film.

When we begin to film, the storyboards will help us immensely as we can refer back to it when we work out the filming schedule and camera angles. Having a storyboard will also help us stay focused and on task.
Also, by creating this storyboard it means that when the new member of our group, Leah, eventually joins she can refer back to this so that she isn't confused.
As we prepare for our pitch, having a storyboard will ensure that everyone we pitch to can understand our idea and film opening so that they can give their honest review and opinion.
Zeyna offered to create the powerpoint for our pitch, as she didn't want to talk and so Milly and I decided to doing the speaking parts. I decided to explain the storyboard as I drew it and Milly is going through the powerpoint.

When we begin to film, the storyboards will help us immensely as we can refer back to it when we work out the filming schedule and camera angles. Having a storyboard will also help us stay focused and on task.
Also, by creating this storyboard it means that when the new member of our group, Leah, eventually joins she can refer back to this so that she isn't confused.

Zeyna offered to create the powerpoint for our pitch, as she didn't want to talk and so Milly and I decided to doing the speaking parts. I decided to explain the storyboard as I drew it and Milly is going through the powerpoint.
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