We didn't initially follow a plan as such and decided to film in order that the storyboard follows so that we wouldn't confuse ourselves. I came up with the idea to film the same thing but from a variety of different angles so that when we came to editing it all together, we could create match on action at different points during the film opening.

Due to it becoming dark rather quickly, this caused the camera to shift in and out of focus a lot especially whilst filming, which meant we wasted a lot of time trying to shift it back into focus manually.
When filming, in hindsight, we should have started earlier or planned what to film and when, because we started loosing daylight, which meant part of our film opening could lack continuity. Hopefully, this won't be picked up on camera or maybe it's something we can edit and fix.
When filming, I also had to put on a pair of red cat eye contacts, which didn't take as long as I thought it would. It was quite dark outside however, when it came to filming this scene and so I was worried they wouldn't be seen as vividly on the camera; if this is so hopefully we can edit the colour of the frame.
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